2025年人口普查因COVID-19(印度首次数字化)而推迟,没有作出种姓普查决定。 2025 census delayed due to COVID-19, first digital in India, with no caste census decision.
印度的人口普查最初定于2021年进行,现在将在2025年进行,并在2026年结束,此前,由于COVID-19流行病造成延误。 India's census, initially scheduled for 2021, will now take place in 2025 and conclude in 2026, following delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 这是第一次使用移动应用程序收集数据的数字普查。 This will be the first digital census, using mobile apps for data collection. 虽然反对党主张进行种姓普查,但政府尚未就此作出决定。 While opposition parties advocate for a caste census, the government has not decided on this. 这些数据将为政策和资源分配提供依据,对Lok Sabha席位的划界将在人口普查后进行,预计将于2028年结束。 The data will inform policy and resource allocation, and delimitation of Lok Sabha seats will occur post-census, expected to conclude by 2028.