新加坡25岁的无国籍男子获得工作,激励雇主帮助改善教育和技能。 25-year-old stateless man in Singapore secures job, inspiring employer to help improve his education and skills.
Rafiezuwan是新加坡一名25岁的无国籍男子,在因居住身份和缺乏正规教育而难以找到工作之后,在议会大厦找到了作为业务执行官的工作。 Rafiezuwan, a 25-year-old stateless man in Singapore, has secured a job as an operation executive with The Assembly Place after struggling to find work due to his residency status and lack of formal education. 该公司的创始人Eugene Lim在其故事的启发下,不仅向他提供了就业机会,而且还计划帮助他提高英语技能和学习技术角色,应对无国籍者在获得教育和保健方面面临的挑战。 Inspired by his story, the company's founder, Eugene Lim, not only offered him employment but also plans to help him improve his English skills and learn technical roles, addressing the challenges faced by stateless individuals in accessing education and healthcare.