来自俄亥俄州的31岁男子死于肯塔基州的摩托车和吉普车撞车事故,据称是19岁司机在受影响的情况下造成的。 31-year-old man from Ohio dies in crash involving moped and Jeep in Kentucky, allegedly caused by 19-year-old driver under influence.
来自俄亥俄州的31岁男子Dino R. Collins, 星期天在肯塔基州科学山的两辆汽车坠毁中死亡。 Dino R. Collins, a 31-year-old man from Ohio, died in a two-vehicle crash in Science Hill, Kentucky, on Sunday. 他当时骑着轻便摩托车,被 19 岁的 Kayleigh J. Dismuke 驾驶的吉普牧马人从后面撞倒。 He was riding a moped when struck from behind by a Jeep Wrangler driven by 19-year-old Kayleigh J. Dismuke. 初步调查表明,酒精在事故中可能起了作用。 Preliminary investigations suggest alcohol may have played a role in the accident. Dismuke被逮捕并被指控犯有多项罪行,包括醉酒期间的车辆杀人罪。 Dismuke has been arrested and charged with multiple offenses, including vehicular homicide while intoxicated. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.