6 月 21 日,30 岁的特伦斯·柯林斯 (Terrence Collins) 在 280 号高速公路上被多辆车辆撞击身亡。 30-year-old Terrence Collins was fatally struck by multiple vehicles on Highway 280 on June 21.
6 月 21 日,奇尔德斯堡 30 岁的特伦斯·柯林斯 (Terrence Collins) 在 280 号高速公路靠近库萨松树路 (Coosa Pines Drive) 处被多辆车辆撞击身亡。 30-year-old Terrence Collins of Childersburg was fatally struck by multiple vehicles on Highway 280 near Coosa Pines Drive on June 21. 事件发生在晚上 11 点左右,柯林斯被送往库萨谷医疗中心,随后在那里去世。 The incident occurred around 11 p.m. and Collins was taken to Coosa Valley Medical Center, where he later died. 奇尔德斯堡警察局正在调查这起事故,所有涉事司机都留在现场并配合警方。 Childersburg Police Department is investigating the accident, and all drivers involved remained at the scene and cooperated with the police.