马里波萨附近的野火引起了对旅游业、野火风险和KOA潜在露营地点的担忧。 Wildfire near Mariposa, CA raises concerns over tourism, wildfire risks, and potential KOA camping site.
加利福尼亚马里波萨附近的野火已引起居民对旅游业增加和拟议KOA露营地点的担忧, A wildfire near Mariposa, California, has raised concerns among residents about increased tourism and a proposed KOA camping site that could host up to 1,000 visitors. 该镇靠近约塞米特国家公园,面临多次野火疏散,并担心更多的游客可能占用当地资源,包括供水和基础设施。 The town, close to Yosemite National Park, has faced multiple wildfire evacuations and fears that more tourists may strain local resources, including water supply and infrastructure. 随着气候变化增加火灾风险,居民担心对该地区生态的影响。 As climate change heightens fire risks, residents worry about the impact on the area's ecology. KOA项目仍在规划之中。 The KOA project is still in planning.