UC Irvine的研究发现,南加州东Coachella山谷的野火和烟雾暴露对居民的健康、当地经济和社区的复原力产生了负面影响。 UC Irvine study finds wildfires and smoke exposure in Southern California's eastern Coachella Valley negatively impact residents' health, local economies, and community resilience.
在《环境研究健康》中发表的AUC Irvine研究报告显示,南加利福尼亚州东Coachella山谷的野火和烟雾暴露对居民的身心健康、当地经济和社区复原力产生了负面影响。 A UC Irvine study published in Environmental Research Health reveals that wildfires and smoke exposure in Southern California's eastern Coachella Valley negatively affect residents' physical and mental health, local economies, and community resilience. 居民,特别是儿童、老年人和有原有状况的人,经历呼吸系统问题、鼻梁问题、眼刺激以及焦虑、恐惧和压力等心理健康影响。 Residents, particularly children, the elderly, and those with pre-existing conditions, experience respiratory problems, sinus issues, eye irritation, and mental health impacts such as anxiety, fear, and stress. 社区互动对于减少野火至关重要,居民呼吁改善沟通,提供负担得起的垃圾服务,并以西班牙文提供有针对性的防火教育。 Community interaction is crucial for wildfire mitigation, and residents call for better communication, affordable trash services, and tailored fire prevention education in Spanish.