巴基斯坦工业部长在《巴基斯坦汽车零件展》上强调汽车工业在经济增长中的关键作用,促进当地制造业和协作。 Pakistan's Industry Minister highlights auto industry's crucial role in economic growth at the Pakistan Auto Parts Show, promoting local manufacturing and collaboration.
2024年10月26日,巴基斯坦工业和生产部联邦部长拉纳·坦维尔·侯赛因在2024年巴基斯坦汽车零部件展览会上强调汽车工业在该国经济增长中的重要作用. On October 26, 2024, Pakistan's Federal Minister for Industry and Production, Rana Tanveer Hussain, emphasized the auto industry's vital role in the country's economic growth during the Pakistan Auto Parts Show 2024. 他赞扬当地制造商生产优质零件,并对该行业的未来表示乐观。 He praised local manufacturers for producing quality parts and expressed optimism for the industry's future. Tanveer鼓励利益攸关方开展合作,促进工业和农业发展,突出巴基斯坦在世界汽车制造商中的地位。 Tanveer encouraged collaboration among stakeholders to enhance industrial and agricultural development, highlighting Pakistan's position among the world's automobile manufacturers.