巴基斯坦部长在Swat贸易展上强调经济改善, Pakistani minister highlights economic improvements, credits current government at Swat Trade Show.
联邦部长穆卡姆(Amir Muqam)强调巴基斯坦政府为刺激经济和贸易所作的努力,指出通货膨胀和经济改革有所改善。 Federal Minister Amir Muqam highlighted the Pakistani government's efforts to boost the economy and trade, noting improvements in inflation and economic reforms. 在Swat Trade Show上,他赞扬支持当地企业的举措,并说该节目将有助于当地贸易商的增长。 At the Swat Trade Show, he praised initiatives to support local businesses and said the show would help local traders grow. Muqam批评前几任PTI政府对经济、法律和秩序的处理, 将现任谢里夫政府归功于稳定经济。 Muqam criticized the previous PTI government's handling of the economy and law and order, crediting the current Sharif government for stabilizing the economy.