阿曼,美国签署500万元的谅解备忘录,用于通讯、生物技术和农业等部门的经济合作。 Oman, US sign $500M MoU for economic cooperation in sectors like communications, biotech, and agriculture.
2023年,阿曼财政部和美国进出口银行签署了5亿美元的加强经济合作谅解备忘录。 In 2023, Oman's Ministry of Finance and the U.S. Export-Import Bank (EXIM) signed a $500 million Memorandum of Understanding to enhance economic cooperation. 协定针对的是通信、生物技术和农业等部门,目的是改善美国阿曼公司的贸易和投资机会。 The agreement targets sectors like communications, biotechnology, and agriculture, aiming to improve trade and investment opportunities for Omani firms in the U.S. 这一伙伴关系寻求在阿曼创造就业机会和支持中小企业,同时促进更广泛的经济增长。 This partnership seeks to create jobs and support small and medium enterprises in Oman while fostering broader economic growth.