NOAA卫星在佛罗里达上空探测到墨西哥的火山灰,没有关于威胁的报告。 Mexico's Popocatépetl volcano ash detected over Florida by NOAA satellites, no threats reported.
墨西哥活跃的波波卡特佩特火山的灰被喷流带到佛罗里达州上空. Ash from Mexico's active Popocatépetl volcano was detected over Florida, carried by the jet stream. 诺阿卫星证实,萨拉索塔有灰尘,但没有飞机或空气质量受到威胁的报告。 NOAA satellites confirmed the presence of ash as far as Sarasota, but no threats to aircraft or air quality were reported. 火山自1994年以来一直喷发, 由于活动增加, 促使墨西哥灾害预防中心发出黄色阶段2警报。 The volcano, which has been erupting since 1994, prompted a Yellow Phase 2 alert from Mexico's disaster prevention center due to increased activity. 随着进一步的火山爆发,海湾和东南美国上空可能出现更多的火山灰。 Additional ash sightings over the Gulf and Southeast U.S. could occur with further eruptions.