2024年10月15日在拉各斯因拥有包括舌头在内的人体器官而在拉各斯被捕的3名男子。 3 men arrested in Lagos for possessing human parts, including tongues, on Oct 15, 2024.
拉各斯州警察局于2024年10月15日逮捕了三名男子,据称他们拥有人体器官。 Lagos State Police arrested three men for allegedly possessing human parts on October 15, 2024. Isah Amohullahi(30岁)和Abubakar Isah(32岁)在Otedola桥的例行拦截搜查中被抓获,在一辆出租车上发现有人用舌头进行的搜查。 Isah Amohullahi (30) and Abubakar Isah (32) were caught during a routine stop-and-search on Otedola Bridge, found with human tongues in a taxi. 他们被捕后,Gbolahan Temidayo成为涉嫌交易商,他在Oyingbo市场出售零件。 Their arrest led to Gbolahan Temidayo, a suspected dealer who sold the parts at Oyingbo Market. 正在进行的调查将确定嫌疑人是否会受到指控。 Ongoing investigations will determine if the suspects will be charged.