巴西黄尾蝎是一种致命物种, 在英国沃金汉的家发现。 A Brazilian Yellow-tailed Scorpion, a deadly species, was found in a Wokingham, UK, home.
英国沃金厄姆的一名妇女在她的走廊里发现了一只巴西黄尾蝎子,这是最致命的物种之一。 A woman in Wokingham, UK, found a Brazilian Yellow-tailed Scorpion, one of the deadliest species, in her hallway. 起初,Payge Aitchison把它误认为蜘蛛,承认它有毒的刺刺,并把它装在Tupperware盒子里。 Initially mistaking it for a spider, Payge Aitchison recognized its venomous stinger and contained it in a Tupperware box. 她联系了当地的野生动物中心 中心派了一名志愿者 安全清除蝎子 She contacted a local wildlife center, which sent a volunteer to safely remove the scorpion. 有人对通过国际包裹引进危险物种的可能性表示关切。 Concerns were raised about the potential introduction of dangerous species through international parcels.