阿塞拜疆巴库,10月27日为缔约方会议第二十九届会议举行了一次运输管理演习。 Baku, Azerbaijan, held a transportation management exercise on Oct. 27 for COP29.
10月27日,阿塞拜疆巴库在筹备定于11月11日至22日举行的第29次缔约方会议时,进行了一次运输管理演习。 On October 27, Baku, Azerbaijan, conducted a transportation management exercise in preparation for COP29, scheduled for November 11-22. 该演习涉及600多名志愿者和多个政府机构,在巴库体育场测试了穿梭飞行流量、安保和认证。 The drill, involving over 600 volunteers and multiple government agencies, tested shuttle flow, security, and accreditation at Baku Stadium. 主要目标是评估运输计划,以确保会议准备就绪,会议的目标是确保私营部门为气候变化工作提供资金。 The primary goal was to evaluate the transport plan to ensure readiness for the conference, which aims to secure private sector funding for climate change efforts.