Phish 在菲尔·莱什 (Phil Lesh) 去世当天的奥尔巴尼音乐会上表演了“Box of Rain”以向他致敬。 Phish performed "Box of Rain" in tribute to Phil Lesh at their Albany concert, the day of his passing.
Phish 在纽约奥尔巴尼的音乐会上表演了“Box of Rain”,以向已故的 Grateful Dead 前贝斯手 Phil Lesh 致敬。 Phish paid tribute to the late Phil Lesh, former bassist of the Grateful Dead, by performing "Box of Rain" at their concert in Albany, New York. Lesh在同一天84岁去世。 Lesh passed away at 84 on the same day. 这首歌由 Lesh 和 Robert Hunter 共同创作,收录在 Grateful Dead 乐队 1970 年的专辑《*American Beauty*》中。 The song, co-written by Lesh and Robert Hunter, was featured on the Grateful Dead's 1970 album, *American Beauty*. 可以现场直播 Phish 的三晚表演,收益将捐给 Divided Sky 基金会。 Livestreams of Phish's three-night performance are available, with proceeds benefiting the Divided Sky Foundation.