一名男子在旧金山的使命区被枪杀, 警方正在调查. A man was critically shot in San Francisco's Mission District, and police are investigating.
周五晚上 8 点 10 分左右,一名男子在旧金山的 Mission District 被枪杀并受重伤。警方在 24 街和 Mission 街对现场做出了反应,在将受害者送往当地医院之前提供了帮助。 A man was shot and critically injured in San Francisco's Mission District on Friday around 8:10 p.m. Police responded to the scene at 24th and Mission Streets, providing aid before transporting the victim to a local hospital. 有关枪击的细节仍然不明,调查仍在进行中。 The details surrounding the shooting are still unknown, and the investigation is ongoing. 当局敦促任何人向旧金山警察局提供415-575-44444的信息。 Authorities urge anyone with information to reach out to the San Francisco Police Department at 415-575-4444.