苏格兰斯特林郡的洛克阿德森林被"时代之旅"评为英国最好的童话森林. Loch Ard Forest in Stirlingshire, Scotland, is named UK's best fairytale forest by Time Out.
苏格兰斯特林郡的Loch Ard森林被"时光之旅"评为英国最好的童话森林. Loch Ard Forest in Stirlingshire, Scotland, has been named the UK's best fairytale forest by Time Out. 它以古老的橡树、针叶树和狍子和水獭等稀有野生动物为特色。 It features ancient oaks, conifer trees, and rare wildlife like roe deer and otters. 参观者可以享受登山、皮艇和野泳的道路,以及艺术家Rob Mullland的雕塑踪迹。 Visitors can enjoy paths for hiking, kayaking, and wild swimming, along with a sculpture trail by artist Rob Mulholland. 野外野营区也很受欢迎,使野外野营成为自然爱好者和艺术爱好者都具有吸引力的目的地。 The area is also popular for wild camping, making it an attractive destination for nature and art enthusiasts alike.