查谟和克什米尔副省长宣布新的反恐战略,誓言为无辜生命报仇,并谴责巴基斯坦支持恐怖主义。 Jammu and Kashmir's Lt Governor announces new anti-terrorism strategy, vowing to avenge innocent lives and condemning Pakistan's support for terrorism.
查谟和克什米尔省副省长马诺伊·辛哈宣布了一项打击恐怖主义的新战略,保证为在最近袭击中丧生的无辜生命报仇。 Jammu and Kashmir's Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha announced a new strategy to combat terrorism, pledging to avenge innocent lives lost in recent attacks. 他在边防安全部队游行中发言,谴责巴基斯坦对恐怖主义的支持,并强调安全部队必须协调努力,摧毁恐怖主义网络。 Speaking at a Border Security Force parade, he condemned Pakistan's support for terrorism and emphasized the need for coordinated efforts among security forces to dismantle terrorist networks. 辛哈强调,必须加强技术能力,以应对新出现的威胁,包括无人驾驶飞机协助的麻醉品贩运。 Sinha highlighted the importance of enhancing technical capabilities to address emerging threats, including drone-assisted narcotics trafficking.