辛哈州长领导J & K的安全会议, 誓言追击最近的恐怖袭击并为之报仇。 Governor Sinha leads security meeting in J&K, vows to pursue and avenge recent terrorist attacks.
查谟和克什米尔副省长马诺伊·辛哈主持了一次高级别安全会议,以审查最近恐怖主义袭击后该区域的安全情况。 Jammu and Kashmir's Lieutenant Governor, Manoj Sinha, chaired a high-level security meeting to review the region's security following recent terrorist attacks. 出席会议的有高级警察和安全官员,讨论了反恐行动的进展情况。 The meeting, attended by senior police and security officials, discussed the progress of anti-terror operations. 辛哈下令积极主动地追捕恐怖分子,并誓言为袭击无辜平民的行为报仇。 Sinha ordered a proactive pursuit of terrorists and vowed to avenge attacks on innocent civilians.