由于美国司法部对国际足联的调查, Televisa的CEO Emilio Azcárraga暂时下台。 CEO of Televisa, Emilio Azcárraga, temporarily steps down due to US DOJ's FIFA investigation.
Televisa 首席执行官 Emilio Azcárraga 在美国司法部对 FIFA 的调查中暂时辞职。 Emilio Azcárraga, CEO of Televisa, has temporarily stepped down amid a U.S. Department of Justice investigation related to FIFA. 调查涉及与国际足联有关的未具体说明的问题。 The inquiry pertains to unspecified issues associated with FIFA. 这一决定是正在进行的调查的直接结果,影响到他在公司中的领导作用。 This decision comes as a direct result of the ongoing investigation, impacting his leadership role within the company.