津巴布韦广播公司 (ZBC) 因涉嫌严重不当行为和滥用职权而暂停首席执行官阿德莱德·奇孔古鲁 (Adelaide Chikunguru) 的职务。 Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) suspends CEO Adelaide Chikunguru for alleged gross misconduct and abuse of office.
津巴布韦广播公司(ZBC)因涉嫌严重不当行为和滥用职权而停职其首席执行官阿德莱德·奇孔古鲁(Adelaide Chikunguru)。 Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) suspended its CEO Adelaide Chikunguru due to allegations of gross misconduct and abuse of office. 停职立即生效,财务总监 Assael Machakata 现任代理首席执行官。 The suspension is with immediate effect and Finance Director Assael Machakata is now the Acting CEO. ZBC 员工此前曾指责 Chikunguru、人力资源总监 Julius Toringepi 和公司秘书 Patricia Muchenga 破坏了旨在改善其福利的决策。 ZBC workers had previously accused Chikunguru, HR Director Julius Toringepi, and Corporate Secretary Patricia Muchenga of undermining decisions meant to improve their welfare.