2024年11月12日在Guthrie剧院举办的双城EATSS活动支持部落学院的土著奖学金。 2024 Twin Cities EATSS event at Guthrie Theater on Nov 12, supports Native scholarships at tribal colleges.
2024年11月12日在明尼阿波利斯的Guthrie剧院举行美国印第安人学院基金年度双城EATSS活动。 The American Indian College Fund's annual Twin Cities EATSS event will take place on November 12, 2024, at the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis. 这项活动以土著厨师的一顿饭、艺术展和Rufus Wainwright的表演来庆祝土著文化。 The event celebrates Indigenous culture with a meal from Indigenous chefs, art showcases, and a performance by Rufus Wainwright. 收益将支助部落学院土著学生的奖学金。 Proceeds will support scholarships for Native students at tribal colleges. 自1989年以来,基金提供了超过3.49亿美元的奖学金,强调基金在推进土著高等教育方面的作用。 The Fund has provided over $349 million in scholarships since 1989, emphasizing its role in advancing Native higher education.