为了消除明尼苏达州儿童饥饿问题,Xcel能源中心在P!nk音乐会期间与Every Meal一起举办了食品捐赠活动. Xcel Energy Center hosts food drive with Every Meal during P!nk concerts to combat child hunger in Minnesota.
圣保罗的 Xcel 能源中心将在 10 月 17 日和 18 日的 P!nk 音乐会期间举办 Every Meal 食品捐赠活动,旨在消除明尼苏达州的儿童饥饿问题。 Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul will host a food drive with Every Meal during P!nk's concerts on October 17th and 18th, aiming to combat child hunger in Minnesota. 参加者可以捐赠不易腐坏的食物,也可以通过所在地的QR代码捐款。 Attendees can donate non-perishable food or contribute via a QR code at the venue. 每个餐点的周末餐饮计划为375所学校的约12,000名儿童提供食物袋, Every Meal's Weekend Meal Program supplies food bags to about 12,000 children across 375 schools, addressing the needs of the roughly 300,000 kids facing food insecurity in the state.