被停职的Manalapan警官Kevin Ruditsky被指控犯有涉及两名少女的不当行为和跟踪行为。 Suspended Manalapan police officer Kevin Ruditsky charged with misconduct and stalking involving two teen girls.
被停职的马纳拉潘镇警官凯文·鲁迪茨基 (Kevin Ruditsky) 在对他与两名十几岁女孩的互动进行调查后,面临多项指控,包括官员不当行为和跟踪。 Kevin Ruditsky, a suspended Manalapan Township police officer, faces multiple charges, including official misconduct and stalking, following an investigation into his interactions with two teenage girls. 指控包括向他在一次社区活动期间遇到的一名16岁儿童发出明确信息,并非法将她铐上手铐。 Allegations include sending explicit messages to a 16-year-old he met at a community event and unlawfully handcuffing her. 他还被指控与一名17岁少年接触不当。 He is also accused of inappropriate contact with a 17-year-old. Ruditsky自2023年8月以来一直被停职。 Ruditsky has been suspended since August 2023.