乡村歌手奥利维亚·艾伦·劳埃德 (Olivia Ellen Lloyd) 在 2025 年 3 月的专辑《Do It Myself》之前发行了新单曲《Every Good Man》。 Country singer Olivia Ellen Lloyd releases new single "Every Good Man" ahead of March 2025 album "Do It Myself".
乡村歌手奥利维亚·艾伦·劳埃德将在2025年3月发行她的第二张专辑"Do It Myself",这是她首次发行"Loose Cannon"之后. Country singer Olivia Ellen Lloyd will release her second album, "Do It Myself," in March 2025, following her debut, "Loose Cannon." 她发行了一首新单曲"每一个好人". To generate excitement, she has released a new single, "Every Good Man." 专辑在过去三年中撰写,探讨她进入三十几岁时的经历,并讨论妇女面临的社会挑战。 The album, written over the past three years, explores her experiences as she entered her thirties and addresses societal challenges for women. Lloyd目前正在与Red McAdam一起进行9个城市的巡演,即“Pretty Dumb & Sorta Young Tour”,从10月24日持续到11月2日。 Lloyd is currently on a 9-city tour with Red McAdam, the "Pretty Dumb & Sorta Young Tour," running from October 24 to November 2.