孟加拉国推迟原定于11月18日至22日在德里举行的与印度的DG边界会谈。 Bangladesh postpones DG border talks with India originally scheduled for 18-22 Nov in Delhi.
孟加拉国推迟原定于11月18日至22日在德里举行的与印度的DG边界会谈。 Bangladesh has postponed the DG-level border talks with India, originally scheduled for November 18-22 in Delhi. 讨论由边防安全部队和孟加拉国边防卫队牵头,旨在处理边界管理、跨界犯罪和情报分享问题。 The discussions, led by the Border Security Force (BSF) and Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB), aimed to address border management, cross-border crime, and intelligence sharing. 这次会议原本是8月孟加拉国谢赫哈西娜政府垮台以来的第一次。 This meeting would have been the first since the collapse of Bangladesh's Sheikh Hasina government in August. 上一次会谈于3月在达卡举行。 The last talks occurred in March in Dhaka.