尽管99%的英国年轻人认为这是错误的, 但10%的英国年轻人并不认为“偷盗”是犯罪。 10% of UK young adults do not consider "stealthing" a crime, despite 99% deeming it wrong.
伦敦大学学院的一项研究发现,联合王国10%的年轻人不承认“偷盗”或未经同意在性生活期间摘除避孕套为犯罪。 A University College London study found that 10% of young adults in the UK do not recognize "stealthing," or non-consensual condom removal during sex, as a crime. 尽管99%的人认为这是错误的,但只有88%的人认为这是性侵犯。 Although 99% deemed it wrong, only 88% viewed it as sexual assault. 对监禁判决的支持各不相同,如果受害者怀孕,52%的人赞成监禁。 Support for prison sentences varied, with 52% favoring jail if a victim became pregnant. 研究突出认识上的性别差异,并旨在为未来的性健康运动和立法提供信息。 The research highlights gender differences in perceptions and aims to inform future sexual health campaigns and legislation.