在安大略西林肯发现的确认为失踪人员的遗骸是Kyle Brocklebank。 Human remains identified as missing person Kyle Brocklebank found in West Lincoln, Ontario.
10月9日在安大略西林肯发现的遗骸被确认为凯尔·布洛克班克的遗骸,自2022年4月以来失踪。 Human remains found on October 9 in West Lincoln, Ontario, have been identified as those of Kyle Brocklebank, missing since April 2022. 该发现是由在Young Street和South Grimsby路6发现的一个下巴骨引起的,导致更多的遗骸和衣物。 The discovery was initiated by a jawbone found at Young Street and South Grimsby Road 6, leading to further remains and clothing. 警方说,没有犯罪嫌疑,也没有对公共安全的威胁。 Police stated there is no suspicion of criminality and no threat to public safety. 为了尊重家庭隐私,正在不提供其他细节。 Additional details are being withheld to respect the family's privacy.