英国前首相特蕾莎·梅在上议院发表首次演讲, 幽默地模仿导师的口音, 讨论角色的转变. Former UK PM Theresa May delivers maiden speech in House of Lords, humorously imitates mentor's accent and discusses transitioning roles.
联合王国前首相特蕾莎·梅在上议院发表她的婚前演说,幽默地模仿她的导师戈尔迪男爵夫人的苏格兰口音。 Former UK Prime Minister Theresa May delivered her maiden speech in the House of Lords, humorously imitating the Scottish accent of her mentor, Baroness Goldie. 她称接受上议院规则手册是一种礼物,并强调了她过去在下议院的角色与新职位之间的区别。 She recounted receiving a Lords rulebook as a gift and emphasized the differences between her past role in the House of Commons and her new position. 梅表示感谢戈尔迪的支持, 并承诺只谈论她熟悉的话题. May expressed gratitude to Goldie for her support and pledged to speak only on topics she knows well. 演讲中,观众笑了出来。 The speech was met with laughter from the audience.