南卡罗来纳州奥兰治堡县 26 号州际公路东行行驶,梅赛德斯与水泥卡车相撞,造成 1 人死亡。 1 fatality, Mercedes vs. cement truck collision on Interstate 26 eastbound in Orangeburg County, SC.
星期三下午2点24分, 在南卡罗来纳州兰堡县的26号州际公路上发生一起车祸, A crash on Interstate 26 eastbound in Orangeburg County, South Carolina, resulted in one fatality on Wednesday at 2:24 p.m. 这次碰撞涉及1986年一辆奔驰车和2018年一辆水泥卡车,靠近Bowman以北约8英里处161英里标志。 The collision involved a 1986 Mercedes coupe and a 2018 cement truck near mile marker 161, about eight miles north of Bowman. 奔驰车的司机受重伤,后来死在一家医院。 The driver of the Mercedes was seriously injured and later died at a hospital. Orangeburg县验尸官办公室尚未公布死者的身份。 The identity of the deceased has not yet been released by the Orangeburg County Coroner's Office.