在英联邦在萨摩亚举行的一次活动期间,卡米拉王后讨论了查尔斯国王的工作献身精神,并主张努力结束家庭暴力和性暴力。 During a Commonwealth event in Samoa, Queen Camilla discussed King Charles' work dedication and advocated for efforts to end domestic and sexual violence.
卡米拉王后在萨摩亚举行的英联邦活动期间,幽默地评论了查尔斯国王对工作的奉献,指出他常常工作到深夜。 During a Commonwealth event in Samoa, Queen Camilla humorously remarked on King Charles' dedication to work, noting he often works late into the night. 她着重提到萨摩亚的一个谚语,其中说明了妇女的勤奋,并呼吁努力结束整个英联邦的家庭暴力和性暴力。 She highlighted a Samoan proverb illustrating women's industriousness and called for efforts to end domestic and sexual violence across the Commonwealth. Camilla的宣传工作符合她支持受虐待受害者的承诺,强调必须进行合作,为妇女和女孩创造安全的环境。 Camilla’s advocacy aligns with her commitment to supporting victims of abuse, emphasizing the need for collaboration to create safe environments for women and girls.