国会MLA Satish Krishna Sail和其他6人因在孟加拉非法出口铁矿石而被定罪。 Congress MLA Satish Krishna Sail, along with six others, convicted for illegally exporting iron ore in Bengaluru.
Bengalauru的一个特别法庭对包括国会MLA Satish Krishna Sail在内的七人定罪,罪名是2009年至2010年期间从Karnataka的Belekeri港口非法出口铁矿石。 A special court in Bengaluru has convicted seven people, including Congress MLA Satish Krishna Sail, for illegally exporting iron ore from Karnataka's Belekeri port between 2009 and 2010. Sail,Mallikarjuna Shipping Pvt. 董事总经理。 Sail, managing director of Mallikarjuna Shipping Pvt. Ltd.面临共谋和盗窃犯罪的指控。 Ltd., faces charges of criminal conspiracy and theft. 法院下令对他进行羁押,并计划很快作出判决。 The court ordered his custody, with sentencing scheduled soon. 该案件与涉及重大国家损失的更大骗局有关,2010年的调查揭露了该案。 The case, linked to a larger scam involving significant state losses, was brought to light by a 2010 investigation.