Cisco Webex 手机呼叫提供商的CallTower认证为 Cisco Webex 手机呼叫提供商, 介绍Webex Go 与CallTower连线。 CallTower certified as Cisco Webex Mobile Calling Provider, introducing Webex Go with CallTower.
在2024年WebExOne活动中,CallTower已获得Cisco Webex的移动呼叫提供商认证. CallTower, a leader in cloud communication, has been certified as a Mobile Calling Provider for Cisco's Webex at the Webex One 2024 event. 该公司采用Webex Go与CallTower,使用户能够在没有单独应用程序的情况下用个人设备进行商务呼叫。 The company introduced Webex Go with CallTower, enabling users to make business calls on personal devices without a separate app. 这一解决方案支持BYOD政策,确保集中管理,提高传播效率,同时通过Webex控制中心保持媒体的高质量和合规性。 This solution supports BYOD policies, ensures centralized management, and enhances communication efficiency while maintaining high media quality and compliance through Webex Control Hub.