Crexendo赢得了第四次统一通信卓越奖,展示了云传播方面的领导才能。 Crexendo wins Unified Communications Excellence Award for fourth time, showcasing leadership in cloud communication.
Cresendo是一家软件技术公司,第四次获得统一通信卓越奖,承认其NetSapiens平台在云层通信解决方案方面的领导作用。 Crexendo, a software technology company, has won the Unified Communications Excellence Award for the fourth time, recognizing its NetSapiens Platform for leadership in cloud communication solutions. 这项奖项增加了Crexendo的2024年荣誉,包括被德勤评为北美增长最快的科技公司之一. This award adds to Crexendo’s 2024 honors, including being named one of North America's fastest-growing tech companies by Deloitte. 该公司在全球支持500多万用户,强调其创新和对赋予企业和服务提供者权力的承诺。 The company supports over five million users globally, highlighting its innovation and commitment to empowering businesses and service providers.