42岁的新加坡男子Alan Ngai因在妻子怀孕期间骚扰女佣被判处22周监禁并罚款4 500美元。 42-year-old Singaporean man, Alan Ngai, sentenced to 22 weeks in jail & fined $4,500 for molesting maid during wife's pregnancy.
Alan Ngai Teck Wee, 42岁,新加坡男子,42岁,被判处22周监禁,并罚款4 500美元,原因是他的妻子怀孕期间骚扰他的女佣。 Alan Ngai Teck Wee, a 42-year-old Singaporean man, was sentenced to 22 weeks in jail and fined $4,500 for molesting his maid while his wife was pregnant. Ngai对多项指控认罪,包括企图偷窥和侮辱女佣的谦虚。 Ngai pleaded guilty to multiple charges, including attempted voyeurism and insulting the maid's modesty. 这些事件发生在2021年8月至9月,而自2016年以来一直为家庭工作的女佣则与她们同住。 The incidents occurred from August to September 2021, while the maid, who had worked for the family since 2016, was living with them. 她的身份受到禁止令的保护。 Her identity is protected by a gag order.