34 岁的杰里米·查特曼因纵火焚烧前女友造成三度烧伤而被判处 70 年有期徒刑,目前因试图逃避案件而处于假释期。 34-year-old Jeremy Chatman sentenced to 70 years for setting ex-girlfriend on fire, causing third-degree burns, while on parole for attempted eluding case.
34 岁的杰里米·查特曼因在 2021 年底纵火焚烧前女友,导致其三度烧伤,被判处 70 年监禁。 34-year-old Jeremy Chatman has been sentenced to 70 years in prison for setting his ex-girlfriend on fire in late 2021, leaving her with third-degree burns. 查特曼被判犯有使用致命武器谋杀未遂、使用致命武器家庭殴打以及使用致命武器殴打假释犯的罪行。 Chatman was found guilty of attempted murder with a deadly weapon, domestic battery with a deadly weapon, and battery by a parolee with a deadly weapon. 2021 年 10 月,他因企图逃避案件而获得假释,袭击发生时他仍在假释中。 He had been granted parole in October 2021 for an attempted eluding case and was on parole at the time of the attack.