27岁的前学习助理Bethan Picton因向未成年人出售毒品被判处3年监禁。 27-year-old ex-learning assistant, Bethan Picton, receives a 3-year prison sentence for selling drugs to a minor.
Bethan Picton,27岁,前学校学习助理,因向一名15岁女孩出售毒品,包括可卡因和摇头丸,被判处三年监禁。 Bethan Picton, a 27-year-old former school learning assistant, has been sentenced to three years in prison for selling drugs, including cocaine and ecstasy, to a 15-year-old girl. 斯旺西王室法院的法官对皮克顿的行动表示关切,考虑到她从事儿童工作的作用。 The judge at Swansea Crown Court expressed concern over Picton's actions, considering her role working with children. 她将在拘留中服一半的刑期,然后获得许可获释。 She will serve half her sentence in custody before being released on licence. 该案突出了A类毒品的危险及其对社区的影响。 The case highlights the dangers of Class A drugs and their impact on communities.