60岁的辩护律师John M. Sheeran被控涉嫌走私毒品进入金县监狱。 60-year-old defense attorney John M. Sheeran indicted for allegedly smuggling drugs into King County jail.
华盛顿州60岁的辩护律师John M. Sheeran被控在客户访问期间阴谋将包括甲基安非他明和丁丙诺啡在内的毒品走私进金县监狱。 John M. Sheeran, a 60-year-old defense attorney in Washington state, has been indicted for allegedly conspiring to smuggle drugs, including methamphetamine and buprenorphine, into King County jail during client visits. 他面临分发受管制物质和非法使用通信设施的指控。 He faces charges for distributing controlled substances and illegally using a communication facility. 如果被定罪,Sheeran可被判处20年以下监禁和100万美元的罚款。 If convicted, Sheeran could receive up to 20 years in prison and a $1 million fine. 他的审判定于2024年12月20日进行。 His trial is scheduled for December 20, 2024.