康涅狄格州911系统由于商业运输设备的技术问题而面临重大中断。 911 system in Connecticut faces significant disruption due to technical issue on commercial carrier equipment.
康涅狄格州的全州911系统在星期二因商业载运设备的技术问题而发生重大中断。 Connecticut's statewide 911 system experienced significant disruptions on Tuesday due to a technical issue related to commercial carrier equipment. 上午11时49分左右开始停电,影响到包括纽黑文和哈特福德在内的多个城镇。 The outage, which began around 11:49 a.m., affected multiple towns including New Haven and Hartford. 当局建议居民在紧急情况下发短信911或使用当地警号。 Authorities advised residents to text 911 or use local police numbers for emergencies. 下午3时,服务基本恢复,官员们强调,这个问题与网络攻击无关。 By 3 p.m., services were largely restored, and officials emphasized that the issue was not linked to a cyber attack. 更多的更新将会随之而来. Further updates will follow.