Google通过Google Play Services更新、改善连通性和范围,处理了像素9系列中的蓝牙问题。 Google addressed Bluetooth issues in Pixel 9 series through Google Play Services updates, improving connectivity and range.
谷歌通过更新Google Play服务解决了影响Pixel 9系列,特别是Pixel 9 Pro XL的显著蓝牙问题. Google has resolved significant Bluetooth issues affecting the Pixel 9 series, particularly the Pixel 9 Pro XL, through updates to Google Play Services. 用户在连接和距离方面遇到问题, 影响了Meta的Ray-Ban眼镜和特斯拉的自动解锁功能等设备. Users experienced problems with connectivity and range, impacting devices like Meta's Ray-Ban glasses and Tesla's auto-unlock feature. 9月和最近推出这些修正办法,导致明显改善。 The fixes were rolled out in September and recently, leading to noticeable improvements. 专家建议,在发射高端装置之前加强测试,以避免今后出现问题。 Experts recommend enhanced testing before launching high-end devices to avoid future issues.