Airtel 在西孟加拉邦推出人工智能驱动的垃圾邮件检测,第一个月就阻止了 154M 电话和 8M 短信。 Airtel launches AI-driven spam detection in West Bengal, blocking 154M calls and 8M SMS in its first month.
Bharti Airtel在西孟加拉邦启动了一个AI驱动的垃圾邮件探测系统,该系统在第一个月堵塞了1.54亿个垃圾邮件电话和800万个垃圾邮件短信信息。 Bharti Airtel has launched an AI-driven spam detection system in West Bengal, which has blocked 154 million spam calls and 8 million spam SMS messages in its first month. 该系统由Airtel的数据科学家开发,使用专有算法查明潜在的垃圾邮件,而无需客户采取行动。 Developed by Airtel's data scientists, the system uses a proprietary algorithm to identify potential spam without requiring customer action. 这一网络一级的解决方案是免费提供的,旨在通过解决垃圾邮件和欺诈等日益严重的挑战,加强客户留用。 Offered for free, this network-level solution aims to enhance customer retention by addressing the increasing challenges of spam and fraud.