格拉电话与Mobileum公司合作,以在AIP上使用RAFM解决方案进行人工智能驱动的风险管理. Grameenphone partners with Mobileum Inc. for AI-driven risk management with RAFM solution on AIP.
Grameenphone, 孟加拉国最大的电信服务提供商, 与Mobileum Inc. 合作发起AI驱动的风险管理转型。 Grameenphone, Bangladesh's largest telecom service provider, partners with Mobileum Inc. to launch an AI-driven risk management transformation. 移动通讯公司在主动情报平台 (AIP) 上的下一代收入保证和欺诈管理 (RAFM) 解决方案将帮助格兰美电话防止收入泄漏,加强欺诈检测,并保证安全的客户体验. Mobileum's next-gen Revenue Assurance & Fraud Management (RAFM) solution on Active Intelligence Platform (AIP) will help Grameenphone prevent revenue leakage, strengthen fraud detection, and guarantee a secure customer experience. 伙伴关系包括技术升级、工作人员培训和不断改进以应对市场变化和威胁。 The partnership includes technology upgrades, staff training, and continuous improvement in response to market changes and threats.