47岁的Susan Holt成为新不伦瑞克第一位女总理,击败现任总理Blaine Higgs。 47-year-old Susan Holt becomes the first female Premier of New Brunswick, defeating incumbent Blaine Higgs.
Susan Holt在其自由党在最近的选举中获得多数党政府后,成为新不伦瑞克第一位女总理。 Susan Holt has made history as the first female Premier of New Brunswick after her Liberal party secured a majority government in the recent election. 这位 47 岁的人击败了现任布莱恩·希格斯 (Blaine Higgs),结束了他对第三个任期的竞选。 The 47-year-old defeated incumbent Blaine Higgs, ending his bid for a third term. 霍尔特致力于落实一名儿童和青年宣传员报告中提出的建议,并计划在今后三年建造30个社区护理诊所,以加强保健系统。 Holt has committed to implementing recommendations from a child and youth advocate's report and plans to enhance the healthcare system by constructing 30 community care clinics over the next three years.