斯科舍银行任命Jean-Francois Courville为魁北克零售银行、财富管理和资本市场总裁。 Scotiabank appoints Jean-Francois Courville as Quebec president for retail banking, wealth management, and capital markets.
斯科舍银行已任命Jean-Francois Courville为魁北克省业务总裁,自11月12日起生效。 Scotiabank has appointed Jean-Francois Courville as president of its Quebec operations, effective November 12. 这一新成立的职位旨在支持银行在该省的零售银行业、财富管理和资本市场部门。 This newly-created position aims to bolster the bank's retail banking, wealth management, and capital markets sectors in the province. 库维尔曾担任Purpose Unlimited的总裁和首席客户官, 在加拿大皇家银行,Manulife资产管理和Wealthsimple的职位上拥有丰富的经验. Courville, who previously served as president and chief client officer at Purpose Unlimited, has extensive experience from roles at Royal Bank of Canada, Manulife Asset Management, and Wealthsimple.