Clare县议会反对Uisce Éireann在Kilkee的废水处理厂计划, Clare County Council rejects Uisce Éireann's wastewater treatment plant plan in Kilkee over visual impact and primary treatment concerns.
Clare县议会驳回了Uisce Éireann为爱尔兰Kilkee废水处理厂提出的规划申请, Clare County Council has rejected Uisce Éireann's planning application for a wastewater treatment plant in Kilkee, Ireland, citing concerns over visual impact and landscape character. 当地人反对Dunlicky Rd的拟议场地,并反对该计划仅依靠初级废水处理。 Locals objected to the proposed site on Dunlicky Rd and the plan's reliance on only primary wastewater treatment. 尽管该公司声称该项目将改善Intrinsic Bay的水质,但Uisce Éireann现在重新考虑其处理未经处理的废水排放的战略。 Despite the company’s claim that the project would improve water quality in Intrinsic Bay, Uisce Éireann is now reconsidering its strategy to address untreated wastewater discharges.