28岁因殴打被捕,21岁,被控在查塔姆-肯特犯有特技驾驶罪。 28-year-old arrested for assault, 21-year-old charged with stunt driving in Chatham-Kent.
6月30日,查塔姆-肯特警方调查了一起袭击事件,五名男性嫌疑人对另一名男子造成严重身体伤害。 On June 30, Chatham-Kent police investigated an assault involving five male suspects who caused serious bodily harm to another man. 他们逮捕了一名来自北Buxton的28岁男子,此人持有与该事件有关的尚未执行的逮捕令,他以条件和开庭日期获释。 They arrested a 28-year-old man from North Buxton, who had an outstanding warrant related to the incident, and he was released with conditions and a court date. 在那天晚上的另外一起事件中 一名21岁的查塔姆男子 被控做特技驾驶 In a separate event that night, a 21-year-old Chatham man was charged with stunt driving.