一名 19 岁的查塔姆男子在 Grand Avenue West 住宅制造骚乱后,被指控袭击、恶作剧、盗窃和持有赃物。 19-year-old Chatham man charged with assault, mischief, theft, and possession of stolen property after disturbance at Grand Avenue West residence.
一名 19 岁的查塔姆男子面临多项指控,其中包括四项不遵守释放令、袭击、恶作剧、盗窃和持有赃物罪。他涉嫌在查塔姆大道西一处住宅内殴打一名妇女和她的朋友、造成财产损失并偷窃物品。 19-year-old Chatham man faces multiple charges, including four counts of failing to comply with a release order, assault, mischief, theft, and possession of stolen property, after a disturbance at a Grand Avenue West residence in Chatham where he allegedly assaulted a woman and her friend, caused property damage, and stole items. 他被查塔姆-肯特警方逮捕。 He was arrested by Chatham-Kent police.