印度最高法院坚持政教分离和社会主义是印度宪法的组成部分。 Supreme Court of India upholds secularism and socialism as integral to India's Constitution.
印度最高法院在审理要求从序言中删除这些术语的请愿时,坚持政教分离和社会主义原则是《宪法》的关键。 The Supreme Court of India upheld the principles of secularism and socialism as essential to the Constitution during a hearing on a petition seeking to remove these terms from the Preamble. 法院强调,这些概念是印度宪法框架的组成部分,不能改变。 The court emphasized that these concepts are integral to India's constitutional framework and cannot be altered. 该案因1976年修正案期间议会辩论不够充分而引起,将于11月18日重新审理。 The case, prompted by claims of inadequate parliamentary debate during the 1976 amendment, will be revisited on November 18.