拉尼娜冬天可能带来更湿的气候条件,在湿的春天和干枯的秋天帮助园艺。 La Niña winter may bring wetter conditions, aiding gardening amid a wet spring and dry fall.
本文探讨了拉尼娜冬季对园艺的影响,并介绍了 WDAY TV 首席气象学家 John Wheeler 的见解。 The article explores the implications of the La Niña winter on gardening, featuring insights from John Wheeler, chief meteorologist at WDAY TV. 它突出了湿春和旱秋对今年生长季节的影响,并预期拉尼娜可能带来更湿的条件,可能使园丁受益。 It highlights the effects of a wet spring and a dry fall on this year's growing season, and anticipates that La Niña may bring wetter conditions, potentially benefiting gardeners. 东道主鼓励听众提出问题和见解,以适应即将到来的季节的园艺做法。 The hosts encourage listeners to send in their questions and insights to adapt gardening practices for the upcoming season.