澳大利亚昆士兰州的一辆五十铃 MU-X 救护车在应对医疗紧急情况时在十字路口与一辆奇瑞 Omoda 5 相撞。 An Isuzu MU-X ambulance in Queensland, Australia, collided with a Chery Omoda 5 at an intersection while responding to a medical emergency.
澳大利亚昆士兰州的一辆五十铃 MU-X 救护车在应对医疗紧急情况时在十字路口与一辆奇瑞 Omoda 5 相撞。 An Isuzu MU-X ambulance in Queensland, Australia, collided with a Chery Omoda 5 at an intersection while responding to a medical emergency. 奇瑞有绿灯,由于路边的灌木丛,可能没有看到救护车。 The Chery had a green light and may not have seen the ambulance due to roadside shrubbery. 撞击导致奇瑞滚到车顶上。 The impact caused the Chery to roll onto its roof.