救护车紧急救援部队在林肯改道;病人转到另一辆救护车上。 Ambulance crash forces rerouting in Lincoln; patient transferred to another ambulance.
由林肯消防救援队运送一名病人的救护车于星期四下午在48街和O街交叉路口坠毁。 An ambulance from Lincoln Fire & Rescue transporting a patient was involved in a crash at the intersection of 48th and O streets on Thursday afternoon. 在最初的救护车与一辆SUV相撞后,又派出第二辆救护车将病人送往医院。 A second ambulance was sent to take the patient to the hospital after the initial ambulance collided with an SUV. 受伤程度和坠机事件的全部细节仍然不清楚。 The extent of injuries and full details of the crash are still unclear. 在清理和调查过程中,该地区交通严重延误。 The area experienced significant traffic delays during cleanup and investigation.